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Listen: How to Have Less Messy Marketing with Emily Heck

We recently sat down with Danielle from the Content Cash Machine podcast to talk about messy marketing and how cleaning up your processes and systems will lead to better strategies. Take a listen!

From the Content Cash Machine Podcast:

In order to be more efficient in your marketing operations, do you need to clean things up and tie up loose ends? Do you need to clean up your remail database and social media accounts? You are not alone.

Many of us are guilty of pushing getting organized to the back burner because we feel like our current process is working. In this episode, you will learn why focusing on getting organized is so important from Emily Heck. You will also learn simple steps to organize your marketing to be more efficient and profitable.

Emily is a marketing consultant and owner of Evergreen Strategic Communications. After years of working in the nonprofit and higher education industries, Emily launched Evergreen in 2019 with the goal of helping nonprofits and purpose-driven small businesses who may not have the time, resources, or skillset to grow their organizations through marketing. Emily started her career at the Crossroads of America Council, Boy Scouts of America where she led the marketing department for the 36,000-member council. In 2017, Emily joined the staff of the Butler University marketing department where she managed the marketing strategy for the university’s Advancement division and its departments including launching Butler Beyond, the University's largest comprehensive fundraising campaign.

Want to learn more from Emily Heck? Check out to get deep-rooted in your marketing. Follow Emily on Instagram @emilyheck.evergreen and connect with her on LinkedIn for more information on how to have less messy marketing and get more organized.

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We're Ready to
Help You

We've all been there. You're a nonprofit exec and know something has to change with your marketing. It's stale, it's tired and what's that new thing everyone is doing now on Instagram.
Sound familiar? 


You have a million other things to think about before you can even
begin to worry about marketing.
That's where we come in. 


If you're ready to grow your marketing, we'd love to meet you! 

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